I have previously written about the
phosphate cycle. In nature, plants take up phosphate from the soil, and it
becomes a part of plant tissue. The nutrient is returned to the soil when the
plant dies. If it is ingested by animals or people, the phosphate is returned
to the soil when the animal defecates. The cycle is complete.
In modern food production systems
phosphate is a scarce resource. It is mined thousands of miles from here, is
transported to where it is needed and applied to fields and gardens. The
phosphate works its way up the food chain, and ultimately ends up in a
livestock barn or human stomachs.
We flush our toilets and that
phosphate is on its way to Lake
Winnipeg . Animal manure is applied to agricultural fields. If the same
amount of manure phosphate is applied as what the plants will take up, the
natural phosphate cycle is intact. If surplus manure phosphate is applied, the
extra is on its way to Lake Winnipeg . No
matter how the phosphate is treated, it does not simply disappear.
As the phosphates get to Lake Winnipeg , they encourage algal growth in the lake,
which in turn consumes oxygen resulting in a sterile lake unable to support
fish or anything else.
There are currently projects
underway to see whether excess phosphate can be removed from Lake
Winnipeg . Experimentally, cattails in the lake are being harvested
and removed to see if the lake could benefit from such a removal. This may
offer possibilities, but in my mind, the biggest problem is not addressed: the
recovered phosphate is now a long ways from where it is needed, namely the farm
Recently, David Dawson pointed out
to me that the Highways Dept and Municipalities cut the grass and cattails in our
ditches regularly. The lush growth in the ditches is the result of nutrients
coming off the adjacent fields. In spring, many of these ditches become raging
torrents. The rotting mass of cut grass is flushed down into the rivers and
into Lake Winnipeg where it releases its
Suppose, David says, an enterprising
farmer cut the grass in the ditch, baled it up, took it to his farm and fed it
to his cattle. Then the farmer collected the manure from his cattle and dumped
it back in the ditch. There would be an outcry and rightly so. But, in fact,
the farmer would be returning less to the ditch than he had taken out. The
cattle would have utilized a good part of it. So why is it OK to leave all that
grass in the ditch but not OK to dump the manure back in the ditch?
If we are seeking ways of removing
phosphate from Lake Winnipeg , surely it makes
more sense to prevent the phosphate from getting there in the first place. A
relatively simple solution would be that the Highways Dept include in its grass
cutting contracts a clause that the cut grass be removed. The material could be
composted and recycled for public use. It’s not rocket science.
By Eric Rempel
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