It happened again last night. The national news reported “Canada 's gross national product [GNP] grew at a 1.9 per cent annual
pace in the first three months of the year, the same pace seen at the end of 2011.”
So what does this tell us? Well it tells us that the total value of everything
produced by enterprises in Canada
grew by 1.9% annually. What it does not tell us is whether this growth was good
or bad.
I find this
discouraging! Discouraging because 30 years ago, in 1992, the same broadcaster,
the CBC, first showed me how inadequate and potentially misleading reporting
GNP is. 1992 was the year of the Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro . If you don’t remember it,
google for it. This was the first UN conference on the Environment and
Development. The CBC, and other media covered it extensively. It was because of
that conference and that reporting that conference, that many of us first
realized the fragility of the environment we depend on, and the negative impact
human activity is having on the very resources we depend on for life.
Specifically on
the GNP, I came to realize that an oil spill off the coast of British Columbia does more to raise the GNP
than the discovery of a new cure for cancer. We were told then, of the need for
more meaningful indicators of well-being than GNP.
And much as been
done to develop a new index. Best known is the Canadian Index of Wellbeing
(CIW). But it is hardly well known. It is ironical that the same media that
covers and applauds the existence of this index, does not use it.
I find it
discouraging that the media, in spite of giving us these stories about the need
and development of better indicators of national well-being, continue to use GNP
in their reporting as if it is the only indicator of our nation’s economic
health with any value.
No doubt the GNP
is easier to measure than the CIW. I suspect it is realistic to expect a report
on GNP every quarter, whereas a quarterly report on CIW is probably not
possible. Nevertheless, I think it is reasonable to expect a news item on GNP
to include some comment on more meaningful context. For example “GNP rose
slightly this month, but we don’t expect that to have an effect on the CIW
because . . .” I think our news media is guilty of biased reporting whenever it
reports on GNP and doesn’t place that in the context of wellbeing.
Somewhere within
us, we all know that some growth is good, and some is not good. When reporting
growth, the media has a responsibility to help us discern the likely effect
that growth is having on our wellbeing. Were the media to do that, we all would
be more critical, in a good sort of way, of any growth occurring around us. And
were we all to have that critical capacity, it would affect the policies favoured
by our politicians.
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